Mummy Bandages Off!!


After waiting the  amount of time prescribed by my doctor, and boosted by the observation that the wound seemed to be starting to have enough of a scab to weather overnight, I’ve ditched the special non-stick dressing with the whole forearm being wrapped (see Aug 19 post).




As you can see, it’s is very much improved.  Also good are some things not pictured here.  Gone is the scab on my nose.  Almost gone are the bruises and scabs on the back of my shoulders and upper arms.  Given the size of the bruises near my right knee that have progressed since the Aug 19 post, I’d say that my knee brace likely saved me from a hell of a lot more road rash there!

Hopefully this will continue to improve and I can work up to a gym recumbent bike cardio workout on Sunday.  Unfortunately the scab on the left arm is not yet robust enough for an outdoor ride.  Labor Day weekend will be the only weekend where I’ll have the opportunity to get in any distance riding.

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